When you invite people to an event or let them sign up from your published calendar, you have two options for tracking and managing registration information. You can display and export a registration report for:
Information about event-level registration reports is what I'm looking for right now.
This topic covers the second option, calendar-level registration reports.
Can I extract registration data using an automated feed?
While you rely on event-level registration data to manage day-to-day tasks related to offering events, calendar-level registration data gives you an overall picture of how event registration is working.
For example, using calendar-level data, you can analyze registration patterns for a month or year to see which events or event times are most popular, if your events are reaching the right audiences, and more.
Click the calendar control to select a date in the future.
If you want the report to include events scheduled before today's date, type a past date in the Event Start Date text field.
Tip To generate a report for all events scheduled on one day, use the same date in both the Event Start Date and Event End Date fields.
Click the calendar control to select an end date.
If you want to use an end date in the past, type the date in the Event End Date text field.
Tip If you leave Event End Date blank, the end date for the report is the date of the most future event for which someone has registered.
To return all attendees, leave this field blank.
A report that looks similar to the following image (your report most likely includes other fields) shows up immediately just below the report options.
Calendar-level registration report
Custom field columns, registration report
How do I set custom fields to show in registration reports and feeds?
Clicking a column heading sorts the data.
Note The Registration Report will only return records for events where the user has Edit rights on the owning calendar.
Note If you Print the report after searching it, just the search results will print. If you Export the report after searching it, all rows will be exported, not just the search results.