The events you're importing may include custom fields. For example, in addition to the standard event fields, such as event name, start date, and start time, each event may include custom fields such as Audience, Category, or Event Created By.
To retain the custom field data, you must create corresponding fields in Trumba® before you import.
How do I create new custom fields?
For example, you might create a single-line-of-text field called Event Created By that contains a person's name. Or, you might create a list-of-choices field called Audience that contains a list of audience values, such as Seniors, Adults, Teens, and Children.
Tip For the easiest import, make the custom field names in Trumba Connect match the custom field names in the file you're importing. Note that commas in field names will cause the import to fail.
Tip Unless you're importing a very small number of events, it's a good idea to create a new calendar that you can use for an import test. If importing into the test calendar is successful, you can bulk move the events to or import again into a different calendar. If you see problems with the imported events, you can delete the new calendar, troubleshoot the file, and start again.
If you're prompted to map fields, learn more here.
Click an event to edit it. You should see the fields you imported with data in them. If you don't, you may have forgotten to assign the appropriate template (see step 4).