This topic assumes that you already have:
The last step in the instructions for creating a featured events custom field describes how to use the field to create a featured event.
What you'll learn in this topic
You turn on featured events by letting the calendar know about the featured events custom field you created.
Note If you've run the Trumba Startup Wizard, your default event template already contains a single-level Featured Event custom field, and featured events are already activated for your calendar.
Reminder Events reflect the featured event settings of the published rather than the owning calendar. If calendar A owns events and you're publishing calendar B with calendar A mixed in, set up featured events on calendar B.
If you already published the calendar, in the Publishing Control Panel, click the Publish Settings tab, and then click Edit Publish Settings.
On the Publish page, select the featured event field.
Three calendar views support featured events: Classic Table, List, and Tile view.
If none of these views are listed under Available Calendar Views, in the Main Calendar Spud title bar, click Add a Calendar View. On the Add a Calendar View page, select one of the supported views, and then click OK.
Compare featured event layouts in the three supported views.
If you want to finish the process later, click Return to [calendarname] calendar in the Trumba editing environment.
The featured events custom field you created contains a list of the featuring levels you want to use. In this section, you'll learn how to associate each of these levels with a layout. Later, you'll be able to define exactly how events with that layout will look.
If you already turned on featured events and are back in the Trumba editing environment, select the calendar for which you turned on featured events, and then click Publish Settings.
Tip Because featured events display only in List, Classic Table, or Tile view, you might want to set one of these views as the default.
By default, events in the calendar view are formatted according to a standard layout. This layout is initially applied to each of your featuring levels as well.
Note If you don't see the featuring levels, make sure that you have created a featured events custom field and that you turned on featured events for the current calendar.
Layout type options vary somewhat depending upon whether you're using List, Classic Table, or Tile view. The following table explains the layout options and provides an example for how to set them up.
Note In this step, you're just indicating whether or not you want to create and use new layouts for the featured levels. Later, you'll have a chance to define exactly what those new layouts are.
Layout options For each featured level's layout, use either an existing layout (set of styles) or opt to create a new layout. To use an existing layout, select a Same as name of layout option. To commit to a new layout (which you'll define later), select a New name of layout option. Tip "Image Is Event Layout" is a special case. If you have a poster or other graphic that provides all of the event details, use this layout to display only the graphic in place of the typical event title, start time, and other fields. For example, in the following images, we associated the Basic featuring level with a New "Featured Layout" (which we'll have a chance to define later). List and Tile views (Note that Tile view doesn't include the "Image is Event Layout" option.) Classic Table view In Classic Table view, you have a unique option, New Featured Layout - List. Selecting this option presents a featured event in list format, making it stand out from regular events, which are presented in table format. Show me an example of a list-format featured event on a calendar in Classic Table view. |
Layout names and numbers Each layout you apply has a very general name so it's also associated with a number. The Basic featured layout is numbered (1) because it's the first new layout we applied. List and Tile views Classic Table view |
Multiple new layouts With multiple new layouts of the same type, each layout receives a unique number to indicate that you can customize each one individually. List and Tile views In List and Tile views, we associated new layouts with each featuring level. Classic Table view In Classic Table view, we associated a new table style with the Basic level and two new list styles with the Enhanced and Premier featuring levels. |
In the next section of this topic, you'll visit each tab to set the styles for and customize the appearance of each new layout you associated with a level.
If you haven't already associated each of your featured levels with a layout, do that now.
Also, make sure the calendar you're publishing (or one of that calendar's mix ins) contains at least one featured event for each featured level you created. Having featured events in place lets you preview the layouts as you customize them.
Tip Before you start customizing layouts, you might want to see—and possibly modify—the style settings that will be applied by default. These settings are defined in the Featured Events section of the Base Calendar Styles page. To go there, In the Publishing Control Panel, on the Publish Settings tab, click Edit Styles & Icons.
Base featured events settings are at the bottom of the global edit settings page.
Settings you customize vary by layout. They include options such as margins and padding, border and background colors, and font sizes and colors.
This example shows settings for a List view feature layout:
Tip As you can see, you have lots of settings options. It's not always easy to tell what affect a particular setting will have. After you make one or two changes, click Preview at the bottom of the form to understand exactly which display element you just changed. When you're satisfied with all of the changes you've made to a tab, click OK to save them.
The featured layout options differ for the List, Calendar Table, and Tile views.
The following images provide examples of the different options.
This List view example uses the standard list presentation for regular events and a featured list presentation for special events.
This Tile view example uses the standard presentation for regular events and three separate presentations for basic, enhanced, and premier featured events (see the labels for each).
This Classic Table view example uses the standard table presentation for regular events and a list presentation for featured events.
This Classic Table view example uses a standard table presentation for regular events, a new table presentation (purple background) for one level of featured events, and a new list presentation for another level of featured events.