If you share calendars with other account holders, you can keep track of the changes those account holders are making. For example, as a publisher, you can see when editors add or edit events on a shared calendar.
How do calendar updates look in my published and emailed calendars?
In this topic:
If you (as the publisher account and calendar owner) have shared the calendar with another account (or accounts) with appropriate editing permissions, and that account (or accounts) have added or edited events on the shared calendar, those events appear in the Recent Activity view in the Trumba editing environment.
To access the Recent Activity view, select it from the calendar view drop-down menu. (The Recent Activity link only appears if there have been new changes.)
You can also open the shortcut recent activity panel by clicking the alarm bell icon next to the calendar view drop-down menu. See About sharing calendars.
(If you click Show All Recent Activity in the recent activity panel, the full Recent Activity view appears.)
If you want to see what changed for a particular event that appears in recent activity: