You, as an event editor, can set up and enable events in Trumba® Connect for check in on the day of the event. That is, you can assign "event organizers" to check in registrants and their guests as they arrive at an event.
Organizers use the Event Attendees page to view the registrants and their current status, download a spreadsheet to view the wait list and invitations, and more.
Important When assigning organizers, use email addresses that are associated with either a Facebook, Google, or Microsoft account. To perform attendee check in for your event, Organizers must sign into the Event Attendees page, using one of these account types. (Or, they may also be able to sign in using their Trumba or Single Sign-On accounts.)
For more information, go to Set up event registration.
Event editors can add (and remove) organizers on the Registration tab, in the Organizers section, when they add or modify an event. If enabled, event organizers can also receive response notifications for event actions.
Important When assigning organizers, use email addresses that are associated with either a Facebook, Google, or Microsoft account. To perform attendee check in for your event, Organizers must sign into the Event Attendees page, using one of these account types, and with the same email address you used to set them up. (Or, they may also be able to sign in using their Trumba or Single Sign-On accounts.)
Organizers must have email addresses associated with either a Facebook, Google, or Microsoft account, but they are not required to also be Trumba account holders. This chart specifies the differences in the functionality available to organizers with and without a Trumba account:
When you add organizers, an introduction email is prepared automatically, and appears on the Pending Email confirmation page after you save the event. The introduction email includes a link to the Event Attendees page.
After you've published the event for the first time, you can also access the link by clicking Organizer check in in the Organizers section. Organizers can also sign into My Events directly to get to the Event Attendees page.
The first time an organizer has checked in at least one attendee to the event, you'll see three new columns added to the registration list on the Attendees tab:
The new fields are as follows:
For more information, go to Manage event registration responses.
Organizers view event registrants and their guests, and perform check in on the day of the event, on the Event Attendees page. Organizers can access the Event Attendees page either from the link they receive in the introduction email, or from their My Events page.
Important To perform attendee check in for the event, Organizers must sign into the Event Attendees page, using either a Facebook, Google, or Microsoft email account, and with the same email address the event editor used to set them up. (Or, they may also be able to sign in using their Trumba or Single Sign-On accounts.)
An example of an Event Attendees page (from a fictional Trumba University calendar) follows:
Note the information provided about time of check in, number of attendees (registrants and guests), and the registrant's current status. The Export button generates a spreadsheet that provides the wait list (if enabled), invitations, and more.
For information about specific check-in activities, organizers can use the help available from the Event Attendees page, including popup help and an FAQ containing full instructions for the organizers who are running check in for the event. See the screenshot below (from a fictional Trumba University calendar) for where to find this content on the page: