There are three options for eliminating events from Trumba® calendars: you can cancel, remove, or delete them. The table below describes the differences. For how-to instructions, click a link under See Also on the left of this topic.
Action | Description | Works on |
Cancel | Events remain on the displayed calendar but are labelled CANCELLED (the label shows up in the published calendar). | Events on calendars that you can edit. |
Remove | Removes events from the displayed calendar but doesn't delete the events, which still appear on other calendars. | Events added to the displayed calendar from another calendar you created, a published calendar, or a calendar that is shared with or emailed to you. |
Delete | Permanently erases events from every calendar where they appear, including published versions of calendars. Important Please consider cancelling rather than deleting events. (It's very difficult to restore an event, and to access any of the information it contains, after it's deleted.) | Events on calendars you can edit that are owned by the displayed calendar. |
Calendars that you can edit include calendars you created or shared calendars to which you have edit rights.