See Martial Artists Bruce Lee and Jim Kelly in Action! Featuring iconic martial artists Bruce Lee and Jim Kelly, Enter the Dragon (1973) stands as a pivotal action film, contributing to a global fascination with martial arts. The story follows martial artist and instructor Lee (played by Bruce Lee), recruited by an intelligence agency to spy on drug trafficker Han during a fighting tournament on a remote island. Lee, alongside former army buddies Williams (played by Jim Kelly) and Roper (played by John Saxon), uncovers Han’s criminal activities, including the murder of Lee's sister. Released on August 19, 1973, the film marked Bruce Lee’s final appearance before his untimely death on July 20, 1973, at the age of 32. This event is co-presented by the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center and the National Museum of African American History and Culture as part of the Smithsonian’s Lunar New Year and Black History Month programming. Contact: Rick H. Lee, Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center ( |