This event is hosted by the UW Venture Capital Club and the Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship's Women's Entrepreneurial Leadership program, WE Lead. VC Club is a student-run club at the University of Washington working to provide students with knowledge, resources, and opportunities in venture capital. Whether you’re a startup founder, investor, educator, or just curious, we welcome you to join us as we aim to increase access and transparency around private equity. WE Lead promotes the advancement of women as entrepreneurs, leaders, investors, and agents of innovation. WE Lead welcomes students of any gender, and features programming and events that center the experiences of women in entrepreneurship and leadership settings. We are excited to host an Accelerators and Incubators panel with women leaders in the Seattle Startup Community. Women leaders from local organizations will join us to share about their programs, how they can offer support, and their leadership experiences. Panelists: AI 2 Incubator - Yifan Zhang Creative Destruction Lab Incubator - Macey McGovern CoMotion Labs Incubator - Ashlee Esteban Jones + Foster Accelerator - Yuko Oaku Techstars Accelerator - Sarah Studer Moderator: Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship - Winona Kantamaneni |